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I am an Assistant Professor and the Digital Scholarship Librarian of the Scholars' Collaborative. I provide instruction, workshops, and consultations on just about anything related to digital scholarship and digital humanities. This is a new role for me and I am learning as I go from the fantastic folks in the University of Tennessee Libraries and the mentors, collaborators, and friends I have made along the way.

I expect to expand on my past and future interests in teaching, scholarship, service, and library work as I grow into my role. The information below is the academic and professional path I followed to get to my current position.

Past Projects and Interests

  • In May 2022, I graduated with a Ph.D. in Iberian and Latin American Literatures and Cultures from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Texas at Austin. My dissertation combined cultural studies and digital methodologies in the study of 19th-century abolitionist and racial discourses of Cuban, Puerto Rican and Brazilian immigrant newspapers. My research was funded by the Andrew Mellon Foundation Grant-in-Aid program of the University of Houston U.S. Latino Digital Humanities (USLDH) program.
  • My research is informed by my work as a cultural heritage profession in institutions that include the Latin American Digital Initiatives at the LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, the Puerto Rico Architectural Heritage Archive, and the Library of Congress.
  • My interests also extend to pedagogy and open educational resources in the areas of digital methods and digital research. Some of my work has been published in the online journal Programming Historian for which I also serve as an editor for the "Programming Historian _en Español_"
  • During the summer of 2020, I was the Pathways Program intern for the Division of Preservation and Access of the National Endowment for the Humanities. My work was focused on the digital remediation of editors of color in the Chronicling America Collection. In the summer of 2021, I worked as a junior fellow for the Connecting Communities Digital Initiatives as part of the Library of Congress Junior Fellow Program.

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